Lucas Wyatt Jackson




LinkedIn: Lucas Wyatt Jackson

Hi! My name is Lucas Wyatt Jackson and I hope that's not a surprise since you're already on this site. Born and raised in Wisconsin during the 90's, I'd say I've lived an interesting life so far. I wanted to try a little bit of a different approach to an "About Me" section so here comes a list! The following are all current and former hobbies that I've collected over the years, and I think they tell a pretty comprehensive story of what I like to do. Actions over words as they say.

  1. Photography - I bring my DSLR with me anytime I go somewhere interesting as you can see.
  2. Film making - Goatman is linked on this site, much to my occasional chagrin.
  3. Graphic design - The natural conclusion of someone who had access to photoshop at an early age.
  4. Bicycling - Longest distance of 64 miles in one day between Milwaukee and Madison. 10/10 memories, 3/10 would not do again without a year of training.
  5. Motorcycling? That can't be the right word. South Dakota was my second home in those formative years.
  6. Brewing - Mostly beer but Kombucha has popped it's head up a few times!
  7. (Fake) Rock Climbing - Bouldering as the kids and experts say, the new way I scratch my competitive itch.
  8. Magic the Gathering - This used to be the way I scratched my competitive itch but as of late it's been a bit to much of a time sink but I always come back to it.
  9. Writing - Look at me, writing this section the same month as a blog post, I'm doubling my yearly output at this pace.
  10. Dungeons and Dragons - This is how I flex my creativity on a weekly basis. Hanging with my friends, pretending to save the world is my favorite way to spend an afternoon.
  11. Training my dog - He's going to learn how to play dead soon I swear.
  12. Scuba Diving - Not the most frequent activity on this list but definitely the most interesting.
  13. Skydiving - Can you count something as a hobby if you only do it once?
  14. Exploring - this one is a bit outdated but I used to love going to old abandoned properties and seeing how nature has begun the reclamation process.
  15. Traveling - Incredibly important to keep me grounded. I get the travel itch whenever I stay in one place to long or something is going wrong in my life. What better way to reset than flying to a new country.
  16. Road Trips - As a red blooded American, it's my privilege to drive 30 hours across this country and see every single corn cob available.
  17. Juggling - We all coped with the pandemic differently.
  18. Reading - I've been devouring Terry Pratchett's Discworld over the last 2 years and I am so close to finishing all 41 books. Bitter sweat and I simple do not know what to do with myself afterwords.
  19. Podcasts - This feels a bit like a fake hobby, like watching TV, but I probably listen to 3-4 hours of podcasts every day. It's the soundtrack to my life.
  20. Music - Speaking of soundtracks, I've been trying to expand my music knowledge. I never listened to all the "required listening" albums growing up so I'm catching up now. The Punk Rock deep dive is over and rap is starting.
  21. Vinyl - This is bouncing off music, but I had to complete my Brooklyn hipster (do the kids even say that anymore) ascetic and start a record collection. Somehow I've leaned almost fully into soft rock like Queen, Bowie and the Velvet Underground. It's just so nice to have on in the background.
  22. Pool - Been playing the old billards since I was tall enough to hold a stick.
  23. Watching Movies - Now I don't think this counts as a real hobby, but my partner and I make a point of watch all the oscar best picture noms every year to pretend we pay attention to pop culuture.
  24. Plant Dad - 8 plants currently alive and taken care of, unknown number of casualties.

It's probably time to update the ole headshot but I believe that's what we call a future problem.